Animal Rights Chants

Planning a protest and having trouble figuring out what to chant? Check out our list of animal rights chants below and tweak them as needed for your specific event. Many of these chants can be modified for different single issue campaigns by subbing out one [word] for another and others could be used for a variety of events. 

Note: C stands for call. That’s the phrase that indicates to the group that you’ll be starting a chant. R stands for response. The resulting phrase that the group will chant after hearing the call. 

If you have chants you’d like to add to the list, reach out to Chris or Tiffany on facebook. 

Table of Contents

General Chants

Animal Liberation


Single Issue Campaigns

Circuses, Zoos, & Aquariums


Fur & Down

Horse Racing



General Chants

Animal Liberation

C: Animal liberation. 
R: In one generation.

C: End all animal oppression
R: End all animal oppression

C: Animal rights. 
R: Not wrongs! 

C: Being cruel isn’t cool. 
R: Stop [hurting/abusing/shooting/etc.] animals!

C: Don’t act blindly
R: Treat Animals kindly.

C: Don’t be a loser.
R: Stop the abusers.

C: Don’t stand by
R: While [animals] die 

C: Don’t buy the humane lie. 
R: Animals don’t want to die.

C: Don’t choose
R: To abuse. 
C: Being cruel 
R: Isn’t cool.

C: It’s time. To fight. 
R: For animal rights!

C: No compassion. 
R: No peace.

C: One struggle, one fight. 
R: Human freedom, animal rights.

C: There’s no excuse. 
R: For animal abuse. 
C: There’s never an excuse. 
R: For animal abuse.
C: There will be no rest. 
R: For animal abusers. 

C: Animals crying hear their plight.
R: This is why we fight! 


C: Their suffering 
R: Your fault
C: Their pain
R: Your fault
C: Their fear
R: Your fault
C: Their death
R: Your fault

C: Shame, shame, shame on you! 
R: Shame on you for what you do. 

C: [Company] has blood on their hands
R: [Company] has blood on their hands
C: [Company] has death on their hands
R: [Company] has death on their hands

C: Greed, profit, torture, pain
R: [Company] is to blame

C: Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho. 
R: [Company] has got to go! 

C: [Breeding animals/selling puppies/etc.] is inhumane. 
R: The [city of Rockville] shares the/is to blame.

C: [Company]. 
R: Shut it down!
C: [Industry]
R: Shut it down! 


Single Issue Campaigns

Circuses, Zoos, & Aquariums 

C: Empty the [cages/tanks/etc.]. 
R: Set them free!


C: Don’t be mean. 
R: Food should never scream.

C: Humane meat is a lie! 
R: How many animals have to die?

C: It’s not food. 
R: It’s violence.

C: Not your mom. 
R: Not your milk!

C: You are what you eat. 
R: Don’t be dead meat.

Fur & Down

C: Fur trade. 
R: Death trade.
C: Fur trade. 
R: Blood trade.
C: Fur trade. 
R: Murder trade.
C: Fur trade. 
R: Slave trade.

C: Their bodies. 
R: Not ours. 
C: Their lives. 
R: Not ours. 
C: Their fur. 
R: Not ours.

C: Not your feathers!
R: Not your fur!

Horse Racing

C: Drugged, whipped, and raced in fear
R: [number] horses killed each year

C: It's not tradition that's a lie
R: How many animals have to die? 

C: You bet
R: They die
C: You watch
R: They die
C: You pay
R: They die
C: You cheer
R: They die

C: Broken bones, broken backs
R: Horses die on racing tracks

C: Shattered limbs, heart attacks
R: Horses die on racing tracks 

C: Too slow? 
R: Death row
C: Sold for cheap 
R: Killed for meat

C: Rise up, take a stand!
R: Horse racing should be banned


C: Don’t breed or buy
R: While shelter [dogs/cats/etc.] die.

C: Enough is enough. 
R: Close down the store! 
C: [Montgomery County]. 
R: You can do more!


C: Torturing bulls to buck,
R: Rodeos don't give a fuck

C: Stop forcing bulls to buck,
R: Clearly you don't give a fuck

C: Rise up, take a stand!
R: Bull riding should be banned

C: You watch/pay/cheer
R: They die

C: Their bodies/lives/babies
R: Not ours. 

C: Pro Rodeo/MoCo Fair
R: Shut it down!

C: Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho. 
R: Pro Rodeo has got to go! 

C: Pro Rodeo/MoCo Fair has blood/death on their hands
R: Repeat

C: Their suffering/pain/fear/death
R: Your fault

C: There’s no excuse. 
R: For animal abuse. 
C: There will be no rest. 
R: For animal abusers. 

C: It’s not entertainment/a sport/fun
R: It’s violence

C: Bull riding is violent
R: We will not be silent

C: Bulls feel pain/joy/want to live
R: Just like us

C: Broken necks, broken backs
R: Rodeos have drawbacks!

C: Shattered bones, heart attacks
R: Rodeos have drawbacks!

C: It's not tradition that's a lie
R: How many animals have to die? 

C: Enough is enough. 
R: Shut the rodeo down.
C: Maryland Pro
R: Get out of town.

C: Drugged, kicked, and rode in fear
R: Bulls and horses die each year

C: Maryland Pro/MoCo Fair
R: Shut it down!

C: Greed, profit, torture, pain
R: Maryland Pro is to blame

C: Maryland Pro has blood on their hands
R: Repeat
C: MoCo Fair has death on their hands
R: Repeat

C: Don’t stand by
R: While animals die